Sharing Resources and Advancing Scholarship
Since 1983

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-1st week of the month: IUPLR Social Newsletter - Receive Latina/o/x virtual events, IUPLR Consortium Member news, and unique spotlights on IUPLR features.

-2nd week of the month: IUPLR Career Newsletter - Receive opportunities (like jobs, grants, fellowships, etc.), Latina/o/x subject features (like experts, books, databases, etc.), and resources such as reports, studies, or replays. 

-3rd week of the month: IUPLR Social Newsletter 2 - Receive any new (or reminders for) Latina/o/x virtual events, IUPLR Consortium Member news, and unique spotlights on IUPLR features.

-4th week of the month: Trending Topics - Receive a curated list of articles and news relevant to Latina/o/x studies, communities, and/or conversations.

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